Upper Cervical Research Foundation
The Upper Cervical Research Foundation is dedicated to furthering our understanding of the intricate relationship between the upper cervical spine and human health. Through comprehensive research on the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA) procedure, we strive to unlock the potential of this connection and empower individuals to achieve optimal well-being.
NUCCA is a specific type of chiropractic care that corrects a minor misalignment between the head and neck called the Atlas Subluxation Complex (ASC) using an image-guided procedure. This subtle correction helps restore balance to the entire spinal column and body. This is crucial for good health because this precise procedure helps to optimize the brainstem and central nervous system.
NUCCA Research has shown since 1971 that problems in the upper neck can cause degenerative structural, neurological, physiological, and pathological problems.
The impact of ASC correction on the human body is profound, which is why NUCCA doctors and UCRF scientists study the upper cervical spine to understand its role in illness, health, and wellness. Our experienced and diverse project teams publish findings and conduct testable studies associated with the Atlas Subluxation Complex and its impact on various health challenges.
Why Upper Cervical Research?
We understand that a misaligned upper cervical spine can negatively influence your overall well-being, which our UCRF research and years of clinical care confirm. It is important to understand that abnormal postural stress on the spinal column can cause a significant amount of discomfort and pain, which is often overlooked. This is where NUCCA provides a precise procedure based on mathematics, physics, and biomechanics to address these body imbalances. It’s not just about physical discomfort; the resulting spinal imbalance can also lower the quality of life and increase the number of years spent struggling with poor mobility and function. NUCCA doctors are dedicated to helping you correct your posture to improve your overall well-being and maintain balance for life.
The Upper Cervical Research that is funded aims to conduct ongoing research and studies on how the NUCCA upper cervical corrections impact human health. We seek grants and accept contributions from individuals, corporations, institutions, and government sources to support our diverse projects, increase awareness and implement effective solutions. We collaborate with consultants and partner with other academic and non-academic institutions and organizations, private and public, along with individual practitioners, to support and publish our research projects. Our research has demonstrated that integrating the NUCCA procedure into individualized healthcare practices can significantly improve health and enhance overall well-being.
The Upper Cervical Research Foundation is a Charitable 501C-3 non-profit organization and does not pay indirect costs to academic institutions for sponsored research.

Our UCRF research validates the wide range of adverse effects that a misaligned upper cervical spine has on human well-being. It leads to reduced quality of life and years lived with disability. Our goal is to raise greater awareness of the significant health benefits of NUCCA care and influence public policy regarding spinal health and lifetime postural care.
We offer solutions on the best procedures to correct the Atlas Subluxation Complex Syndrome and misaligned spine optimally. Our research also provides practice guidelines to determine the practice limits of the upper cervical specialist and to determine the extent to which a misaligned upper cervical spine affects the entire human organism.
The UCRF has engaged in numerous research partnerships with esteemed experts in their respective fields. Some of these include The Dickholtz Sr. Chicago Hypertension Study published in the Journal of Human Hypertension in May 2007. Dr. George Bakris, MD (Chicago Lead author of the study) realized that there was a “very significant drop in blood pressure” following the NUCCA correction procedure and realized the importance of future research to help further determine which people can benefit from this procedure.
The Calgary Migraine Headache Study is a multidisciplinary project with lead researcher, Dr. Werner Becker. He is a noted Migraine Headache Neurologist and Researcher and founder of the Chronic Headache and Management Program (CHAMP) at the Foothills Hospital in Calgary. Published in BioMed Research International in 2015, this study revealed both quality of life improvements as well as measurable physiological changes as measured on special dynamic MRI imaging.
Another UCRF project was the “Biomechanical Finite Element Model (FEM),” that was conducted in conjunction with the University of Toledo and spearheaded by Dr. Vijay K. Goel, a renowned spinal disc researcher. This project presented a unique opportunity to tackle and answer questions that have eluded healthcare practitioners and researchers, particularly in the realm of biomechanics.
The UCRF is committed to advancing knowledge and bridging the gap between NUCCA upper cervical care and all health care practitioners through collaboration.
Board of Directors

Dr. Craig Lapenski: President

Dr. Vivek Soham, Vice President

Dr. Gordon Hasick, Treasurer

Dr. Benjamin Kuhn, Secretary

Dr. Marshall Dickholtz Jr., Director

Dr. Daiki Ishiyama, Director

Dr. Kerry L. Johnson, Director

Dr. Jim Moore,

Dr. Jeffrey Scholten, Director
Contact Us
Upper Cervical Research Foundation
10700 W. Highway 55, Suite 275
Plymouth, MN 55441
Fax: 877/558-0410
Direct phone: 952/564-3056
Email: info@ucrf.org